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Dick Cheney vs. Nancy Pelosi: The Blink-Off ( Blink Count)

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Dick Cheney vs. Nancy Pelosi: The Blink-Off ( Blink Count): agasfer — LiveJournal

US: US president George Bush has used his final State of the Union address to ask Congress to work with him during his declining months in office on a handful of policy initiatives, starting with an economic stimulus package to stave off a recession. Mr Bush's speech included none of the grand schemes of earlier years, when he spoke of reforming the social security system and sought "the end of tyranny in our world". He focused instead on safeguarding his legacy by renewing the unpopular "No Child Left Behind" education Bill, making his tax cuts permanent and staying the course in Iraq. We have faced hard decisions about peace and war, rising competition in the world economy and the health and welfare of our citizens.
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Bush and now is leading the House through another moment when a vocal part of the electorate wants to end a presidency. But if I frame it that way, it gets more attention. The House impeaches and sends the case to trial in the Senate.
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