Missionary, doggy style, woman on top: those are basically the primary colors of humping. I was challenged by Thrillist to try a more extreme approach to penetration, with these five physically challenging sexual positions. How could I? First, I asked four folks who work with bodies for a living to study each proposed position, and highlight some attributes or dangers. And then, I begged my SO to be my partner.
Best Sex Positions | The 50 Greatest Positions Sex Positions Every Couple Should Try
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When it comes to sex positions, we are all aware of the basic ones such as Doggy style, missionary, woman on top etc. But there are more advanced sex positions that are intriguing and gives more sexual satisfaction but many have not tried it before or probably never seen it before. In this position, the woman is more in control and can direct the ding dong in the right areas. She can also be able to touch her herself to achieve more orgasm. Many women get performance jitters over the thought of giving a helping hand during sex, when in fact the sight of her adding fuel to their bonfire is a sure-fire way to burn him up with lust. In this position you will need some tools to assist you and both partners will love it.
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