Olive oil in anus

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Can I Use Olive Oil as Lube?

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Olive Oil For Anal? | Hip Forums

We have found that a mixture of honey, olive oil, and beeswax was effective for treatment of diaper dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, and skin fungal infection. The mixture has antibacterial properties. A prospective pilot study was conducted to evaluate the therapeutic effect of topical application of the mixture on patients with anal fissure or hemorrhoids. Efficacy of treatment was assessed by comparing the symptoms' score before and after treatment; at weekly intervals for a maximum of 4 weeks. The patients were observed for evidence of any adverse effect such as appearance of new signs and symptoms, or worsening of the existing symptoms. The honey mixture significantly reduced bleeding and relieved itching in patients with hemorrhoids. Patients with anal fissure showed significant reduction in pain, bleeding, and itching after the treatment.
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Can I use Olive Oil as a sexual lubricant?

Lube is always a great idea during sex. Lube, which is short for lubricant, enhances pleasure and prevents pain and chafing during sex. The good news is that olive oil is likely safe to use during sex. Olive oil can cause the condom to break. Otherwise, you can try using olive oil as lube, but be warned — the oil can stain your sheets and clothing.
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Discussion in ' Oral and Anal Sex ' started by nz male , Aug 2, Log in or Sign up. Hip Forums. Olive Oil For Anal? Is this the same type of olive oil that we sell in my supermarket I work in??
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