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Yawalapiti | Revolvy

This website presents the various cultural traditions of Amazon tribes and Amazonian Indians in an enjoyable photo-essay format that allows one to view pictures of Amazon tribes with authoritative descriptions of their culture. Photos and images of these Amazon tribes natives ranges from Amazon Indian girls, Huaorani blowgun hunters, and female body painting, to Amazonian tribal warriors and uncontacted naked Amazonian tribes. In order to understand Amazon tribes and their significance, you must understand their history. Prior to the arrival of colonialists from Europe and first contact in sixteenth century, the Amazon River Basin had a population estimated at having up to a five million people and perhaps more than a five thousand Amazon tribes. However afterwards, the Amazonia experienced years of violence, exploitation, and disease, that wiped out most of the original Amazon tribes. Another important integral part of Amazon tribes that helps us understand their culture is language.
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Brazilian Indian chief leads tribe back to life

There, on the banks of the Tuatuari River chief Aritana of the Yawalapiti leads a tribe of people that half a century ago was threatened with extinction. Sitting in the middle of his village under the blazing sun, Aritana utters the words death, struggle and sadness over and over again as he tells of his tribe's revival from just 12 living members. The history of Brazil's Indians is a tragic one, with their population falling to about , now from an estimated 6 million when the first Portuguese arrived in
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