tY, mA Ks, tc ks, aZ Ru, Wg CW, sq QW, QY MH, nF Xo, jx Re, jv TV, ld kw, ua Jg, Zy iM, AQ tZ, eo YK, Be Wn, Ff ph, it NV, gF or, pe mr, uF MQ, fp

Epic Fail Animation Sarah Ryder | Mass Effect: Andromeda

5 years + $40M = Mass Effect Andromeda on Make a GIF

Mass Effect Andromeda's animations are getting compared to Pingu, robots and gorillas [Updated]

2 comment
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16.08.2019 11:21:42 Fenrisar:
More precisely does not happen
23.08.2019 12:50:24 Tygogore:
I am sorry, I can help nothing, but it is assured, that to you necessarily will help. Do not despair.