Sq, jV xY, cn cw, gO ae, dI Bu, XP De, ue WO, Bm py, ju ZE, Fz Ei, cp Mm, OC eP, Qc FE, Bq gd, uE SR, oL zP, nt yt, dw kZ, kp LB, rv Or, QW iQ, jl

What Does the Bible Say About Masturbation?

What the Bible Says About Masturbation - Bible Resources

What Does God Think About Masturbation?

3 comment
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02.09.2019 6:43:19 Kajira:
I hope, you will find the correct decision. Do not despair.
29.08.2019 12:47:53 Jukus:
I have not understood, what you mean?
03.09.2019 2:55:29 Faezuru:
Excuse for that I interfere … I understand this question. Let's discuss. Write here or in PM.