What are dog anal glands? Located just below the skin surface between the two layers of muscle of the sphincter controlling the anus, they produce an oily, foul-smelling yellow to brown fluid that dogs use to broadcast who they are and mark their territory. What are the possible dog anal gland issues? Normally when your dog poos, the stool passing squeezes the glands and empties them.
Anal Gland Issues in Dogs - Dog Health Advice | The Healthy Pet Club
The anal glands are a pair of small sacs that sit just inside the anus. They contain a strong-smelling liquid used for marking territory. Healthy anal glands empty when a dog poos. Blocked anal glands are a relatively common problem and in most cases, are simple to treat. Healthy anal glands empty naturally when a dog poos. Click image to enlarge.
Please click here to view the latest information on how to access our services. Although not the nicest things to think about, anal gland impactions and the stinky smells they cause are important to understand and look out for in your pooches! Dogs with anal gland issues not only smell, but they are often very uncomfortable. Each time your dog poos, some of the liquid is squeezed out and deposited onto the faeces.
Anal gland issues and sloppy pooh are problems that you pet parents come up against every day, so I thought I would talk about anal issues. Over time the anal glands can fill up and can become inflamed, impacted and pretty painful. There can be many reasons why, some simple and some more complex.