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Picture this: You're sitting next to your partner as they're scrolling through their Instagram feed when you see not one, not two, but three almost naked pictures of "Instagram models" in a span of 10 minutes. There's no right or wrong way to feel about your boyfriend following Instagram models. For some, it can be an uncomfortable situation and a total turn-off, while others don't really mind. As with most things in relationships, it comes down to setting and respecting boundaries. For example, if your partner follows these models, and you truly don't mind, then there isn't much if anything to really figure out.
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How to Accept Your Boyfriend's Interest in Pornography: 10 Steps

From HelloBeautiful. I just read an article and you answered a question if you wanted to know if your male mate was gay. I liked how you answered the lady with the famous athlete question. I would like to know if you can answer mines. I was wondering if he is just lost in his sexuality of knowing what he wants. He has dated many women in his life and always maintains or keeps one.
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The Only 5 Ways to Respond to a Naked Photo

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Jump to navigation. My boyfriend and I have been together on and off for almost 8 years. I am pregnant with our 2nd child and I have 3 children from a previous relationship. My oldest daughter just turned
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