The chuckle-head espousing this view specifically cites the use of sex toys in his equation. The Bible says God will forgive those sexual sins. I sometimes wonder what these types of Christians expect randy, unmarried Christians to do — the ones who do experience strong sexual desire. These types of wacko Christians — the ones who think masturbation is satanic — tell you adult single that you should not have sex with another person, but then they also tell you not to masturbate, either. And so, how are randy Christian singles supposed to get that itch scratched, exactly? People are staying single longer than they were decades ago.
By "allowed to" I mean is it generally accepted that masturbation is a sin, or is it okay? Whether by the church community or the bible. What do you think is acceptable? And are the standards the same for Christian men and Christian women? If it's a "rule" in some Christian communities not to have sex before marriage, and if that sex includes masturbation, does that mean after your married you CAN masturbate? Just a thought ;-.
God designed sexual expression to unite a man and woman in an intimately loving embrace that is total, faithful, free and fruitful—and thus in marriage. Consequently, masturbation is a sin against the Sixth Commandment , because it violates the God-inscribed unbreakable bond between the love-giving and life-giving aspects of the marital act see CCC Instead of the intimate and mutual self-giving that is the hallmark of the marital act, masturbation—and whether within marriage or outside of marriage —is an act in which one turns selfishly inward. Masturbation attempts to dualistically divorce the physical behavior we choose to engage in from shaping our self-identity, as if the former had nothing to do with the latter. Masturbation fails to see that our bodies are not something we have but are essential to who we are and how we express ourselves as human persons, as body-soul composites CCC
The easy answer is that the Bible is silent on this issue, because the word "masturbation" itself doesn't appear. For such a subject, we must be careful of laying down burdensome rules Col , but the Bible says "don't use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature" Gal , so we need to be deeply honest with ourselves what is driving a desire to masturbate. If we consider carefully what the Bible teaches in these areas, most people would have to conclude that masturbation is something that Christians should avoid. Galatians teaches that the fruit of the Spirit includes self-control, so here we have an opportunity to put that into practice. And of course, we know right from the creation account that sex is made by God as a gift to be shared in the one-flesh relationship between a man and a woman Gen